

Fanwei was born in Taichung, Taiwan in 1983 and graduated from the Fine Arts Department of National Taipei University of the Arts in 2006.


Fanwei has a deep appreciation for the tactile qualities of paper and the flow of pigments on its surface. Following Fanwei’s graduation from the Fine Arts program, he spent several years studying and working in the field of antique painting restoration. Through this experience, Fanwei discovered that almost every type of pigments could be applied to paper, and he began experimenting with new materials to increase the depth and dimension to his artwork. For instance, pastels create a delicate, shimmering effect, while the combination of ink and pigments can produce unexpected and intriguing results. What Fanwei particularly loves are the sensation of holding a brush or other tool in the hands and feeling its movement across the paper’s surface. The interplay between the ink, pigments, texture of the tool, and the fibers of the paper create a subtle and intimate dialogue that Fanwei finds both captivating and inspiring.




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