Visual Frontier – Leo Wang Solo Exhibition

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  • Duration: 2013.11.09 Sat. – 12.08 Sun.
  • Opening: 2013.11.09 Sat. 6:30pm
  • Artist: Leo Wang


Stories often start with a journey. Leo Wang has lived in France for many years, yet he still carries the memories of home. Wang explores the frontier of the land and the borders of the identity, as well as the collision of cultures. Various colors and fragments are pieced together in his vertical paintings. The viewers have to follow the clues hidden in a tranquil atmosphere in order to find old buildings in foreign countries, streetlights and even melodies. People in this parallel world are only passers by. Learning, creativity, traditions, all of this is given by the universe.


Leo Wang says: “I create a world on the canvas – a world where the figure and the substance have been separated; a world of ambiguity where we have no idea where we or others; a world without any frontier as we exist everywhere. The world on the canvas is full of various elements, light, shadow, air, sound, culture, and civilization. By separating the figure and the substance on the canvas, I make colors to blend in with each other’s frontiers, trying to visualize the world in my mind which is both vague and clear at the same time". During this beautiful season, we invite you to visit exhibition “Visual Frontier" and to discover space and light in Leo Wang’s artworks.




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